Mia Martí is a versatile artist: she works with different supports and techniques that make her a multidisciplinary creator. His painting is fused with acrylics and inks; makes engraving; photographs are involved ... In the same way, he works on different supports such as woods, fabrics or papers. Techniques and supports that Mia Martí delicately dissolves and thanks to her skill she is able to hide, behind harmonic compositions full of harmony, a complex elaboration.
In her paintings, shapes and lines dissolve in such a way that you don't know where some end and the others begin, her bright and balanced colors, the way she distributes them, the transparencies, the compositional game ... these are elements that Mia Martí uses. to express themselves with their own language. And yet it is she herself who says:
"We can talk about technique, composition, shapes and colors, we can talk about creative processes and references. Everything can be curious, interesting, but not relevant or necessary because, despite everything, they will not properly explain my painting. the means to achieve an end, the pictorial experience of the painter and also of the viewer ".
"Own language" that happens so as not to incorporate figurative elements, nor does he just name his works to avoid determining factors in the viewer's gaze. The theme of Mia Martí's work is the same painting, it aims to provide the viewer with an experiential experience, a space for dialogue between work and viewer away from the closest reality to enter a different reality, art. Mia Martí achieves, thanks to her craft and a lot of "cooking", a work with a very personal stamp that the viewer can always identify.
Cristina Requena
Director of the Artemisia Gallery, Art & Tendències

MIA MARTI ROCA, Barcelona, 1970
1988-1993. Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Faculty of Fine Arts Sant Jordi of the University of Barcelona.
Painting specialty.
2022. La Gralla room, Granollers. CIUTATS project
2018. Artemisia Gallery, Les Franqueses. Paint.
2017. Exhibition hall, Fort Pienc. Paint.
2016. Comas Gallery, Barcelona. Paint.
2015. Artemisia Gallery, Les Franqueses. Paint.
2014. Old Noguera Factory, Beceit. Monotips and paint.
2014. Hacket London with Fidel Balaguer Gallery in Barcelona. Paint.
2013. ECUS Room, Sentmenat. Monotips and paint.
2013. Comas Gallery, Barcelona. Monotips and images.
2009. El Quatre Gallery, Granollers. Monotips.
2008. Comas Gallery, Barcelona. Monotips.
2006. El Quatre Gallery, Granollers. Monotips.
2002. Nova Gallery, Sabadell. Painting and engraving
2001. El Cor, Sentmenat “Paraules Imatges”. Gravat.
2000. Nova Gallery, Sabadell. Painting and engraving
1999. New Library, Sentmenat. Painting and engraving
1999. Can Bassa Hall, Granollers. Painting and engraving
1998. Room Can Rajoler, Parets dels Vallès. Painting and engraving
1998. Can Xerracan Room, Montornès del Vallès. Painting and engraving
1996. In Albis Gallery, Barcelona. Painting and engraving
1996. La Garriga Town Hall Exhibition Hall. Painting and engraving
1996. Torre Muntadas del Prat de Llobregat. Painting and engraving
1995. Exhibition hall, Headquarters of Banc Bilbao Biscaia in Barcelona. Painting and engraving Guanyada exhibition for competitions.
1994. The Cabin, Manlleu. Gravat.
1993. Exhibition Hall of the Sentmenat Town Hall. Painting and engraving
1992. Negre Gallery, Sabadell. Paint.
2021-22-23-24. ArtsLibris ARCO Madrid
2024. Fest Imatge, Calella
2024. Fine Art, Igualada
2023. Art Photo BCN, Barcelona
2023. Tandem on books, Barcelona
2022-23. ArtsLibris ARCO Lisboa
2022. Journée del Estampe Contemporaine, París
2022-23. ArtsLibris Barcelona
2022. Fruits Bologna
2020. Publication of the artist book “Cities”, an art and travel book. 100 copies
2015. Publication of the artist's book "Images". 50 copies
2018. II Art Ceràmica Mapax Trobada, Vigo.
2018. Invited in Artistic Residency at the Center d'Art MAPAX, Tomiño (Pontevedra).
2017. Vermuts Miró Art Contest.
2013. Tapes. El Quatre Gallery, Barcelona
2007-12. Small format. El Quatre Gallery, Granollers.
2006-2017. Collective d'estiu. Comas Gallery, Barcelona.
2006. Mostra de gravat Civic Center La Barceloneta, Barcelona.
2002-12. Spring Show El Quatre Gallery, Granollers.
2001-2007. Mostra Germinart, Montornès del Vallès.
2001. Nova 3 Gallery, Sabadell.
2001. El Quatre Gallery, Granollers, permanent work.
2000-22. Estripa´m, Sabadell. Market d'Art on the Rambla.
2001. "Trobadors i joglars", Granollers.
2001. "Ales Rotas" (about Frida Khalo), Granollers.
2000. The weather, Can Xerracan de Montornès del Vallès.
1999. René Metràs Gallery, Barcelona, Les banyistes l'últim estiu.
1997. Aroma, Sabadell.
1994. Collective show of young artists, Vendrell.
1992-96. Martorell Painting Show.
1991. Negre Gallery, Sabadell.
1990. Spring Show of the Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Licenciats en Belles Arts i Professores de dibuix de Catalunya.
1991. Catalan Association of Plastic Artists (ACAP), Barcelona.
2017.Mapax Ceramic Art, Androx Museum, Vigo.
2006. Selected 1st Manuel Torres Painting Prize, Ciutat de Mataró.
2003. Participation in the project "La vaixella imaginària", of the Food Culture Museum of Barcelona, directed by the artist Miralda.
1999. Mural painting at the Can Butjosa Cultural Center in Parets del Vallès
1998. Accèssit to the Biennal d'art jove de Martorell.
1995. Col·laboració cedint documentary material on the work itself, with the Department of Art History of the
University of Barcelona, under the direction of Dr. Lourdes Cirlot.
1994. Guanyadora of the Banc Bilbao Biscaia Contest for Spanish Artists.
1994. Selected in the modalities of engraving and painting, at the XIV Mostra d'Arts plàstiques per a joves de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
1994. Finalist in the Mostra d'Art Contemporani Català Biennial of the Canals gallery in Sant Cugat del Vallès.
1994. 3rd Prize for painting at the III Biennial of the Saló d'Art de Martorell.
1993. Selected in the painting category at the XIII Mostra d'Arts Plàstiques per a joves de la Generalitat de Catalunya.
1992. Selected in the modality of gravat to the XII Mostra d'Arts Plàstiques per a joves de la
Generalitat of Catalunya.